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Press release

Finetex EnE to Introduce Industrial Nano-Filter to Domestic Market:

Finetex ㅣ 2017-10-30 ㅣ 8984 2.jpg

Finetex EnE is aiming to introduce Industrial Nano-Filters to domestic market from end of this year. The filter is 40% or more efficient in filtering micro dust when compared to current filters widely used in various industries.

The CEO of Finetex EnE, Mr. J.C. Park, said “won 10 bil invested plant in Korea was completed in June this year. The completion had enabled us to conduct intensive in-house test of dust-collector filters during the last 4 months.” “The new plant is expected to initiate production of completed industrial filters to be sold to domestic private coal-fired power plant equipment companies and metal processing companies but its application is wide open. Our nanofiber coating technology accumulated through many years of supplying to global filter companies will be applied to those completed industrial filter manufacturing. We have already supplied field test products to some coal-fired power plants in Korea.


According to Finetex EnE, industrial dust filters using nanofibers are twice as effective as conventional poly-tetra fluoroethylene (e-PTFE) filters in terms of both dust collecting efficiency and durability.


The field-test result at a thermal power plant implicates the pressure difference of the nano-filter had maintained at 25.9 ~ 34.8 mmAq, while the same test result on competing e-PTFE filter had turned out to be more than twice as high at 90 mmAq.


This is mainly attributed to uniform and even nano-scale pore structure. The dust emission was also turned out be 42% less for nano-coated filters (0.78 mg / ) which compares favorably with conventional products (1.88 mg / ). This translates into annual emission of dust by nano-fiber filter to 65.7 kg and this also compares favorably with competing filters whose annual emissions amounted is 156.9 kg.

FTY believes continuous reinforcements of global industrial filter related rules and regulations, together with rising concerns for micro dust will help induce more demand for nanofilters.


J.C. Park said, "In addition to performance, durability of nanofilter is another advantage our naofilter has. Our filter’s effective life is more than 72 days versus 42~52 days for conventional products and this can help reduce operating expense of running dust collectors by up to 75%." “ Also from next year, expected application of ISO16890 will limit use of electrostatic in industrial filter manufacturing and this will also help stimulate demand for industrial nano-filters."


